1. sayfa (Toplam 2 sayfa)

Zombie.Plague GeriSayim Eklentisi

Gönderilme zamanı: Cmt Eyl 16, 2017 10:48 pm
gönderen tosunbey
Merhaba Arkadaşlar, Bu GeriSayim Eklentisi Biohazard Zm'ye uyarlama İmkanı olan Varsa bio'Ya uyarlayp Atabilirmi, Yapan Arkadaşa Şimdiden Teşekürler, Yapılmasada Yinede Eyvallah


Zombie.Plague GeriSayim Eklentisi

Gönderilme zamanı: Cmt Eyl 16, 2017 11:49 pm
gönderen The WinchesteR
bioya ayarladım

Zombie.Plague GeriSayim Eklentisi

Gönderilme zamanı: Pzr Eyl 17, 2017 12:15 am
gönderen tosunbey
@The WinchesteR Hocam Bu hatayi Veriyor Düzeltirmisin

Kod: Tümünü seç

//cstrike/addons/amxmodx/scripting/deneme.sma(902) : error 017: undefined symbol "zp_get_user_zombie"

1 Error.
Could not locate output file /cstrike/addons/amxmodx/plugins/deneme.amx (compile failed).

Zombie.Plague GeriSayim Eklentisi

Gönderilme zamanı: Pzr Eyl 17, 2017 12:17 am
gönderen TheAsTeRiX
tosunbey yazdı:@The WinchesteR Hocam Bu hatayi Veriyor Düzeltirmisin

Kod: Tümünü seç

//cstrike/addons/amxmodx/scripting/deneme.sma(902) : error 017: undefined symbol "zp_get_user_zombie"

1 Error.
Could not locate output file /cstrike/addons/amxmodx/plugins/deneme.amx (compile failed).
Arkadaşın Biohazarda ayarladığı felan yok.ZombiePlague yazısını sadece Biohazard yapmış.Bu kadarla iş bitse keşke.

Buradan yardım alarak kendinde çevirebilirsin;

Zombie.Plague GeriSayim Eklentisi

Gönderilme zamanı: Pzr Eyl 17, 2017 1:51 am
gönderen tosunbey
@The WinchesteR Kardeşim sende Bidaha bilmedigin Konulara Yorum atıp durma, Yanlış bilgi veriyorsun aklınca Güzel bişey Yapmışsın gibi

Zombie.Plague GeriSayim Eklentisi

Gönderilme zamanı: Pzr Eyl 17, 2017 1:58 am
gönderen tosunbey
@TheAsTeRiX Hocam imkanın varsa Ayarlayp atabilirmisin

Zombie.Plague GeriSayim Eklentisi

Gönderilme zamanı: Pzr Eyl 17, 2017 5:32 pm
gönderen tosunbey

Zombie.Plague GeriSayim Eklentisi

Gönderilme zamanı: Pzr Eyl 17, 2017 6:28 pm
gönderen ahmetsencanx2

Kod: Tümünü seç

#include <amxmodx>
#include <engine>
#include <fakemeta>
#include <dhudmessage>
#include <biohazard>

//#define g_bDebug;

const g_iTaskCountdownID = 57;
const g_iTaskLightningID = 75;

new const g_szSoundsRoundStart[][] =
const g_iSizeSoundsRoundStart = sizeof g_szSoundsRoundStart - 1;

new const g_szSoundsThunderRoundStart[][] =
const g_iSizeSoundsThunderRoundStart = sizeof g_szSoundsThunderRoundStart - 1;

new const g_szLightsThunderClap1[][2] =
const g_iSizeLightsThunderClap1 = sizeof g_szLightsThunderClap1 - 1;

new const g_szLightsThunderClap2[][2] =
const g_iSizeLightsThunderClap2 = sizeof g_szLightsThunderClap2 - 1;

#define MESSAGE_SOUND	"TalRasha/player.wav"

new const g_szSoundsCountdown[][] =
	"TalRasha/one",						// 1
	"TalRasha/two",						// 2
	"TalRasha/three",						// 3
	"TalRasha/four",						// 4
	"TalRasha/five",						// 5
	"TalRasha/six",						// 6
	"TalRasha/seven",						// 7
	"TalRasha/eight",						// 8
	"TalRasha/nine",						// 9
	"TalRasha/ten",						// 10
	"",												// 11
	"TalRasha/NewRoundIn",				// 12
	"",												// 13
	"",												// 14 
	"TalRasha/You_are_attacking",			// 15
	"",												// 16
	"",												// 17
	"fvox/biohazard_detected",						// 18
	"",												// 19
	"TalRasha/20_seconds",				// 20
	"",												// 21
	"TalRasha/New_assault_in",			// 22
	"",												// 23
	"sound/TalRasha/ZE_Ready.mp3",			// 24
	"",												// 25
	"TalRasha/care_infection",			// 26
	"",												// 27
	"",												// 28
	"TalRasha/sirena",					// 29
	"TalRasha/30_seconds" 				// 30
const g_iSizeSoundsCountdown = sizeof g_szSoundsCountdown - 1;

new const g_szLightsCountdownLevels[][2] =
	"b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "f"
const g_iSizeLightsCountdownLevels = sizeof g_szLightsCountdownLevels - 1;

new const g_szSoundsModeStart[][] =
const g_iSizeSoundsModeStart = sizeof g_szSoundsModeStart - 1;

new const g_szSoundsThunderModeStart[][] =
const g_iSizeSoundsThunderModeStart = sizeof g_szSoundsThunderModeStart - 1;

new g_pCvarEffects, g_pCvarDelay, g_pCvarLighting, g_iDelay, g_szLighting[2], g_iSeconds;

public plugin_init()
	register_plugin("Countdown", "1.7.3", "T a l R a s h a")
	register_event("HLTV", "event_round_start", "a", "1=0", "2=0")
	g_pCvarEffects = register_cvar("zpnm_countdown_effects", "1");

IsMp3(const szSound[])
	return equali(szSound[strlen(szSound) - 4], ".mp3");

public plugin_precache()
	new i, szSound[64], iPosition, iPositionTemp, szFolder[64];
	for (i = 0; i <= g_iSizeSoundsRoundStart; i++)
		if (!g_szSoundsRoundStart[i][0])
		if (IsMp3(g_szSoundsRoundStart[i]))
			engfunc(EngFunc_PrecacheGeneric, g_szSoundsRoundStart[i])
			// Doesn't contain any spaces
			if (containi(g_szSoundsRoundStart[i], " ") == -1)
				formatex(szSound, 63, "%s.wav", g_szSoundsRoundStart[i])
				engfunc(EngFunc_PrecacheSound, szSound)
			// Contains spaces
				iPosition = 0;
				while ((iPositionTemp = containi(g_szSoundsRoundStart[i][iPosition], "/")) != -1)
					#if defined g_bDebug
					log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Scanning ^"%s^" for ^"/^" symbols.", g_szSoundsRoundStart[i][iPosition])
					iPosition += iPositionTemp + 1;
					#if defined g_bDebug
					log_to_file("CountDown.log", "^"/^" symbol found at position %d: ^"%s^"", iPositionTemp, g_szSoundsRoundStart[i][iPosition - 1])
					log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Remaining directories and sounds found: ^"%s^"", g_szSoundsRoundStart[i][iPosition])
					log_to_file("CountDown.log", "")
				if (iPosition)
					formatex(szFolder, 63, g_szSoundsRoundStart[i])
					replace(szFolder, 63, g_szSoundsRoundStart[i][iPosition], "")
				#if defined g_bDebug
				log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Directory found: ^"%s^"", szFolder)
				log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Sounds found: ^"%s^"", g_szSoundsRoundStart[i][iPosition])
				log_to_file("CountDown.log", "")
				while ((iPositionTemp = containi(g_szSoundsRoundStart[i][iPosition], " ")) != -1)
					#if defined g_bDebug
					log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Scanning ^"%s^" for ^" ^" symbols.", g_szSoundsRoundStart[i][iPosition])
					formatex(szSound, 63, g_szSoundsRoundStart[i][iPosition])
					iPosition += iPositionTemp;
					#if defined g_bDebug
					log_to_file("CountDown.log", "^" ^" symbol found at position %d: ^"%s^"", iPositionTemp, g_szSoundsRoundStart[i][iPosition])
					replace(szSound, 63, g_szSoundsRoundStart[i][iPosition], "")
					#if defined g_bDebug
					log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Found sound: ^"%s^"", szSound)
					format(szSound, 63, "%s%s.wav", szFolder, szSound)
					engfunc(EngFunc_PrecacheSound, szSound)
					#if defined g_bDebug
					log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Precaching sound: ^"%s^"", szSound)
					iPosition += 1;
					#if defined g_bDebug
					log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Remaining sounds found: ^"%s^"", g_szSoundsRoundStart[i][iPosition])
					log_to_file("CountDown.log", "")
				formatex(szSound, 63, "%s%s.wav", szFolder, g_szSoundsRoundStart[i][iPosition])
				engfunc(EngFunc_PrecacheSound, szSound)
				#if defined g_bDebug
				log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Precaching sound: ^"%s^"", szSound)
				log_to_file("CountDown.log", "")
	for (i = 0; i <= g_iSizeSoundsThunderRoundStart; i++)
		if (!g_szSoundsThunderRoundStart[i][0])
		if (IsMp3(g_szSoundsThunderRoundStart[i]))
			engfunc(EngFunc_PrecacheGeneric, g_szSoundsThunderRoundStart[i])
			// Doesn't contain any spaces
			if (containi(g_szSoundsThunderRoundStart[i], " ") == -1)
				formatex(szSound, 63, "%s.wav", g_szSoundsThunderRoundStart[i])
				engfunc(EngFunc_PrecacheSound, szSound)
			// Contains spaces
				iPosition = 0;
				while ((iPositionTemp = containi(g_szSoundsThunderRoundStart[i][iPosition], "/")) != -1)
					#if defined g_bDebug
					log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Scanning ^"%s^" for ^"/^" symbols.", g_szSoundsThunderRoundStart[i][iPosition])
					iPosition += iPositionTemp + 1;
					#if defined g_bDebug
					log_to_file("CountDown.log", "^"/^" symbol found at position %d: ^"%s^"", iPositionTemp, g_szSoundsThunderRoundStart[i][iPosition - 1])
					log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Remaining directories and sounds found: ^"%s^"", g_szSoundsThunderRoundStart[i][iPosition])
					log_to_file("CountDown.log", "")
				if (iPosition)
					formatex(szFolder, 63, g_szSoundsThunderRoundStart[i])
					replace(szFolder, 63, g_szSoundsThunderRoundStart[i][iPosition], "")
				#if defined g_bDebug
				log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Directory found: ^"%s^"", szFolder)
				log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Sounds found: ^"%s^"", g_szSoundsThunderRoundStart[i][iPosition])
				log_to_file("CountDown.log", "")
				while ((iPositionTemp = containi(g_szSoundsThunderRoundStart[i][iPosition], " ")) != -1)
					#if defined g_bDebug
					log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Scanning ^"%s^" for ^" ^" symbols.", g_szSoundsThunderRoundStart[i][iPosition])
					formatex(szSound, 63, g_szSoundsThunderRoundStart[i][iPosition])
					iPosition += iPositionTemp;
					#if defined g_bDebug
					log_to_file("CountDown.log", "^" ^" symbol found at position %d: ^"%s^"", iPositionTemp, g_szSoundsThunderRoundStart[i][iPosition])
					replace(szSound, 63, g_szSoundsThunderRoundStart[i][iPosition], "")
					#if defined g_bDebug
					log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Found sound: ^"%s^"", szSound)
					format(szSound, 63, "%s%s.wav", szFolder, szSound)
					engfunc(EngFunc_PrecacheSound, szSound)
					#if defined g_bDebug
					log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Precaching sound: ^"%s^"", szSound)
					iPosition += 1;
					#if defined g_bDebug
					log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Remaining sounds found: ^"%s^"", g_szSoundsThunderRoundStart[i][iPosition])
					log_to_file("CountDown.log", "")
				formatex(szSound, 63, "%s%s.wav", szFolder, g_szSoundsThunderRoundStart[i][iPosition])
				engfunc(EngFunc_PrecacheSound, szSound)
				#if defined g_bDebug
				log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Precaching sound: ^"%s^"", szSound)
				log_to_file("CountDown.log", "")
	for (i = 0; i <= g_iSizeSoundsCountdown; i++)
		if (!g_szSoundsCountdown[i][0])
		if (IsMp3(g_szSoundsCountdown[i]))
			engfunc(EngFunc_PrecacheGeneric, g_szSoundsCountdown[i])
			// Doesn't contain any spaces
			if (containi(g_szSoundsCountdown[i], " ") == -1)
				formatex(szSound, 63, "%s.wav", g_szSoundsCountdown[i])
				engfunc(EngFunc_PrecacheSound, szSound)
			// Contains spaces
				iPosition = 0;
				while ((iPositionTemp = containi(g_szSoundsCountdown[i][iPosition], "/")) != -1)
					#if defined g_bDebug
					log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Scanning ^"%s^" for ^"/^" symbols.", g_szSoundsCountdown[i][iPosition])
					iPosition += iPositionTemp + 1;
					#if defined g_bDebug
					log_to_file("CountDown.log", "^"/^" symbol found at position %d: ^"%s^"", iPositionTemp, g_szSoundsCountdown[i][iPosition - 1])
					log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Remaining directories and sounds found: ^"%s^"", g_szSoundsCountdown[i][iPosition])
					log_to_file("CountDown.log", "")
				if (iPosition)
					formatex(szFolder, 63, g_szSoundsCountdown[i])
					replace(szFolder, 63, g_szSoundsCountdown[i][iPosition], "")
				#if defined g_bDebug
				log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Directory found: ^"%s^"", szFolder)
				log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Sounds found: ^"%s^"", g_szSoundsCountdown[i][iPosition])
				log_to_file("CountDown.log", "")
				while ((iPositionTemp = containi(g_szSoundsCountdown[i][iPosition], " ")) != -1)
					#if defined g_bDebug
					log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Scanning ^"%s^" for ^" ^" symbols.", g_szSoundsCountdown[i][iPosition])
					formatex(szSound, 63, g_szSoundsCountdown[i][iPosition])
					iPosition += iPositionTemp;
					#if defined g_bDebug
					log_to_file("CountDown.log", "^" ^" symbol found at position %d: ^"%s^"", iPositionTemp, g_szSoundsCountdown[i][iPosition])
					replace(szSound, 63, g_szSoundsCountdown[i][iPosition], "")
					#if defined g_bDebug
					log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Found sound: ^"%s^"", szSound)
					format(szSound, 63, "%s%s.wav", szFolder, szSound)
					engfunc(EngFunc_PrecacheSound, szSound)
					#if defined g_bDebug
					log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Precaching sound: ^"%s^"", szSound)
					iPosition += 1;
					#if defined g_bDebug
					log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Remaining sounds found: ^"%s^"", g_szSoundsCountdown[i][iPosition])
					log_to_file("CountDown.log", "")
				formatex(szSound, 63, "%s%s.wav", szFolder, g_szSoundsCountdown[i][iPosition])
				engfunc(EngFunc_PrecacheSound, szSound)
				#if defined g_bDebug
				log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Precaching sound: ^"%s^"", szSound)
				log_to_file("CountDown.log", "")
	for (i = 0; i <= g_iSizeSoundsModeStart; i++)
		if (!g_szSoundsModeStart[i][0])
		if (IsMp3(g_szSoundsModeStart[i]))
			engfunc(EngFunc_PrecacheGeneric, g_szSoundsModeStart[i])
			// Doesn't contain any spaces
			if (containi(g_szSoundsModeStart[i], " ") == -1)
				formatex(szSound, 63, "%s.wav", g_szSoundsModeStart[i])
				engfunc(EngFunc_PrecacheSound, szSound)
			// Contains spaces
				iPosition = 0;
				while ((iPositionTemp = containi(g_szSoundsModeStart[i][iPosition], "/")) != -1)
					#if defined g_bDebug
					log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Scanning ^"%s^" for ^"/^" symbols.", g_szSoundsModeStart[i][iPosition])
					iPosition += iPositionTemp + 1;
					#if defined g_bDebug
					log_to_file("CountDown.log", "^"/^" symbol found at position %d: ^"%s^"", iPositionTemp, g_szSoundsModeStart[i][iPosition - 1])
					log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Remaining directories and sounds found: ^"%s^"", g_szSoundsModeStart[i][iPosition])
					log_to_file("CountDown.log", "")
				if (iPosition)
					formatex(szFolder, 63, g_szSoundsModeStart[i])
					replace(szFolder, 63, g_szSoundsModeStart[i][iPosition], "")
				#if defined g_bDebug
				log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Directory found: ^"%s^"", szFolder)
				log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Sounds found: ^"%s^"", g_szSoundsModeStart[i][iPosition])
				log_to_file("CountDown.log", "")
				while ((iPositionTemp = containi(g_szSoundsModeStart[i][iPosition], " ")) != -1)
					#if defined g_bDebug
					log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Scanning ^"%s^" for ^" ^" symbols.", g_szSoundsModeStart[i][iPosition])
					formatex(szSound, 63, g_szSoundsModeStart[i][iPosition])
					iPosition += iPositionTemp;
					#if defined g_bDebug
					log_to_file("CountDown.log", "^" ^" symbol found at position %d: ^"%s^"", iPositionTemp, g_szSoundsModeStart[i][iPosition])
					replace(szSound, 63, g_szSoundsModeStart[i][iPosition], "")
					#if defined g_bDebug
					log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Found sound: ^"%s^"", szSound)
					format(szSound, 63, "%s%s.wav", szFolder, szSound)
					engfunc(EngFunc_PrecacheSound, szSound)
					#if defined g_bDebug
					log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Precaching sound: ^"%s^"", szSound)
					iPosition += 1;
					#if defined g_bDebug
					log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Remaining sounds found: ^"%s^"", g_szSoundsModeStart[i][iPosition])
					log_to_file("CountDown.log", "")
				formatex(szSound, 63, "%s%s.wav", szFolder, g_szSoundsModeStart[i][iPosition])
				engfunc(EngFunc_PrecacheSound, szSound)
				#if defined g_bDebug
				log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Precaching sound: ^"%s^"", szSound)
				log_to_file("CountDown.log", "")
	for (i = 0; i <= g_iSizeSoundsThunderModeStart; i++)
		if (!g_szSoundsThunderModeStart[i][0])
		if (IsMp3(g_szSoundsThunderModeStart[i]))
			engfunc(EngFunc_PrecacheGeneric, g_szSoundsThunderModeStart[i])
			// Doesn't contain any spaces
			if (containi(g_szSoundsThunderModeStart[i], " ") == -1)
				formatex(szSound, 63, "%s.wav", g_szSoundsThunderModeStart[i])
				engfunc(EngFunc_PrecacheSound, szSound)
			// Contains spaces
				iPosition = 0;
				while ((iPositionTemp = containi(g_szSoundsThunderModeStart[i][iPosition], "/")) != -1)
					#if defined g_bDebug
					log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Scanning ^"%s^" for ^"/^" symbols.", g_szSoundsThunderModeStart[i][iPosition])
					iPosition += iPositionTemp + 1;
					#if defined g_bDebug
					log_to_file("CountDown.log", "^"/^" symbol found at position %d: ^"%s^"", iPositionTemp, g_szSoundsThunderModeStart[i][iPosition - 1])
					log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Remaining directories and sounds found: ^"%s^"", g_szSoundsThunderModeStart[i][iPosition])
					log_to_file("CountDown.log", "")
				if (iPosition)
					formatex(szFolder, 63, g_szSoundsThunderModeStart[i])
					replace(szFolder, 63, g_szSoundsThunderModeStart[i][iPosition], "")
				#if defined g_bDebug
				log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Directory found: ^"%s^"", szFolder)
				log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Sounds found: ^"%s^"", g_szSoundsThunderModeStart[i][iPosition])
				log_to_file("CountDown.log", "")
				while ((iPositionTemp = containi(g_szSoundsThunderModeStart[i][iPosition], " ")) != -1)
					#if defined g_bDebug
					log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Scanning ^"%s^" for ^" ^" symbols.", g_szSoundsThunderModeStart[i][iPosition])
					formatex(szSound, 63, g_szSoundsThunderModeStart[i][iPosition])
					iPosition += iPositionTemp;
					#if defined g_bDebug
					log_to_file("CountDown.log", "^" ^" symbol found at position %d: ^"%s^"", iPositionTemp, g_szSoundsThunderModeStart[i][iPosition])
					replace(szSound, 63, g_szSoundsThunderModeStart[i][iPosition], "")
					#if defined g_bDebug
					log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Found sound: ^"%s^"", szSound)
					format(szSound, 63, "%s%s.wav", szFolder, szSound)
					engfunc(EngFunc_PrecacheSound, szSound)
					#if defined g_bDebug
					log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Precaching sound: ^"%s^"", szSound)
					iPosition += 1;
					#if defined g_bDebug
					log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Remaining sounds found: ^"%s^"", g_szSoundsThunderModeStart[i][iPosition])
					log_to_file("CountDown.log", "")
				formatex(szSound, 63, "%s%s.wav", szFolder, g_szSoundsThunderModeStart[i][iPosition])
				engfunc(EngFunc_PrecacheSound, szSound)
				#if defined g_bDebug
				log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Precaching sound: ^"%s^"", szSound)
				log_to_file("CountDown.log", "")

public plugin_cfg()
	g_pCvarDelay = get_cvar_pointer("zp_delay");
	g_pCvarLighting = get_cvar_pointer("zp_lighting");

public event_round_start(id)
	g_iDelay = get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarDelay) - 1;
	if (g_iDelay < 0)
	if (g_szLighting[0])
		engfunc(EngFunc_LightStyle, 0, g_szLighting)
		set_pcvar_string(g_pCvarLighting, g_szLighting);
		g_szLighting = "";
	new iRandom;
	iRandom = random_num(0, g_iSizeSoundsRoundStart);
	client_cmd(0, "%s ^"%s^"", !IsMp3(g_szSoundsRoundStart[iRandom]) ? "spk" : "mp3 play", g_szSoundsRoundStart[iRandom])
	if (get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarEffects))
		get_pcvar_string(g_pCvarLighting, g_szLighting, 1)
		set_pcvar_string(g_pCvarLighting, "0")
		g_iSeconds = 10; // 1 second of lightning, 0.1 seconds for each light level
		set_task(0.1, "TaskThunderClapRoundStart", g_iTaskLightningID, _, _, "b")
		iRandom = random_num(0, g_iSizeSoundsThunderRoundStart);
		client_cmd(0, "%s ^"%s^"", !IsMp3(g_szSoundsThunderRoundStart[iRandom]) ? "spk" : "mp3 play", g_szSoundsThunderRoundStart[iRandom])
		g_iSeconds = g_iDelay;
		set_task(1.0, "CountDown", g_iTaskCountdownID, _, _, "b")

public TaskThunderClapRoundStart(iTaskID)
	if (g_iSeconds)
		new iRandom;
		if (g_iSeconds % 2 == 0)
			iRandom = random_num(0, g_iSizeLightsThunderClap1);
			engfunc(EngFunc_LightStyle, 0, g_szLightsThunderClap1[iRandom])
			iRandom = random_num(0, g_iSizeLightsThunderClap2);
			engfunc(EngFunc_LightStyle, 0, g_szLightsThunderClap2[iRandom])
		if (get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarEffects))
			if (g_iDelay > g_iSizeLightsCountdownLevels)
				engfunc(EngFunc_LightStyle, 0, g_szLightsCountdownLevels[g_iSizeLightsCountdownLevels])
				engfunc(EngFunc_LightStyle, 0, g_szLightsCountdownLevels[g_iDelay])
			if (!g_szLighting[0])
			engfunc(EngFunc_LightStyle, 0, g_szLighting)
			set_pcvar_string(g_pCvarLighting, g_szLighting)
			g_szLighting = "";
		g_iSeconds = g_iDelay;
		set_task(1.0, "CountDown", g_iTaskCountdownID, _, _, "b")

public CountDown(iTaskID)
	// Check for the external "TASK_MAKEZOMBIE" from inside ZPNM
	if (!task_exists(3000, 1)) //2010
	set_dhudmessage(random_num(57, 255), random_num(0, 255), random_num(0, 255), -1.0, 0.39, 0, 6.0, 0.001, 0.1, 1.0)
	show_dhudmessage(0, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "TALRASHA_COUNTDOWN", g_iSeconds + 1)
	if (g_iSeconds <= g_iSizeSoundsCountdown && g_szSoundsCountdown[g_iSeconds][0])
		client_cmd(0, "%s ^"%s^"", !IsMp3(g_szSoundsCountdown[g_iSeconds]) ? "spk" : "mp3 play", g_szSoundsCountdown[g_iSeconds])
	if (g_iSeconds <= g_iSizeLightsCountdownLevels && g_szLightsCountdownLevels[g_iSeconds][0] && get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarEffects))
		engfunc(EngFunc_LightStyle, 0, g_szLightsCountdownLevels[g_iSeconds])
	if(g_iSeconds == 29)
		for(new i = 0; i <= get_maxplayers(); i++)
				message_begin(MSG_ONE, get_user_msgid("ScreenFade"), _, i)
				write_short(0) // duration
				write_short(0) // hold time
				write_short(0x0004) // fade type
				write_byte(50) // red
				write_byte(0) // green
				write_byte(0) // blue
				write_byte(255) // alpha
	if(g_iSeconds == 25)
		set_dhudmessage(255, 0, 0, -1.0, 0.35, 0, 6.0, 0.001, 0.1, 1.0)
		show_dhudmessage(0, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "TALRASHA_WARNING");
		for(new i = 0; i <= get_maxplayers(); i++)
				message_begin(MSG_ONE, get_user_msgid("ScreenFade"), _, i)
				write_short(0) // duration
				write_short(0) // hold time
				write_short(0x0004) // fade type
				write_byte(0) // red
				write_byte(0) // green
				write_byte(50) // blue
				write_byte(255) // alpha
	if(g_iSeconds == 23)
		for(new i = 0; i <= get_maxplayers(); i++)
				message_begin(MSG_ONE, get_user_msgid("ScreenFade"), _, i)
				write_short((1<<12)) // duration
				write_short(0) // hold time
				write_short(0x0000) // fade type
				write_byte(0) // red
				write_byte(0) // green
				write_byte(50) // blue
				write_byte(255) // alpha
	if(g_iSeconds == 21)
		set_dhudmessage(0, 0, 255, -1.0, 0.3, 0, 6.0, 0.001, 0.1, 1.0)
		show_dhudmessage(0, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "TALRASHA_BIO_DANGER");
	if(g_iSeconds == 17)
		set_dhudmessage(255, 0, 0, -1.0, 0.35, 0, 6.0, 0.001, 0.1, 1.0)
		show_dhudmessage(0, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "TALRASHA_WARNING");
	if(g_iSeconds == 14)
		set_dhudmessage(0, 0, 255, -1.0, 0.3, 0, 6.0, 0.001, 0.1, 1.0)
		show_dhudmessage(0, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "TALRASHA_ATTACKING");
		message_begin(MSG_BROADCAST, get_user_msgid("ScreenShake"))
		write_short((1<<12)*4) // amplitude
		write_short((1<<12)*2) // duration
		write_short((1<<12)*10) // frequency
		PlaySound(0, MESSAGE_SOUND)
	if(g_iSeconds == 11)
		set_dhudmessage(0, 0, 255, -1.0, 0.3, 0, 6.0, 0.001, 0.1, 1.0)
		show_dhudmessage(0, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "TALRASHA_EVACUATION");
	if(g_iSeconds == 9)
		message_begin(MSG_BROADCAST, get_user_msgid("ScreenShake"))
		write_short((1<<12)*4) // amplitude
		write_short((1<<12)*3) // duration
		write_short((1<<12)*12) // frequency
		PlaySound(0, MESSAGE_SOUND)
	if(g_iSeconds == 8)
		set_dhudmessage(255, 0, 0, -1.0, 0.35, 0, 6.0, 0.001, 0.1, 1.0)
		show_dhudmessage(0, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "TALRASHA_WARNING");
	if(g_iSeconds == 6)
		set_dhudmessage(0, 0, 255, -1.0, 0.3, 0, 6.0, 0.001, 0.1, 1.0)
		show_dhudmessage(0, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "TALRASHA_PREPARE_ZOMBIES");
	if(g_iSeconds == 4)
		set_dhudmessage(255, 255, 255, -1.0, 0.3, 0, 6.0, 0.001, 0.1, 1.0)
		show_dhudmessage(0, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "TALRASHA_PREPARE_WEAPON");
		message_begin(MSG_BROADCAST, get_user_msgid("ScreenShake"))
		write_short((1<<12)*5) // amplitude
		write_short((1<<12)*4) // duration
		write_short((1<<12)*15) // frequency

		PlaySound(0, MESSAGE_SOUND)
	if(g_iSeconds == 2)
		set_dhudmessage(255, 0, 0, -1.0, 0.35, 0, 6.0, 0.001, 0.1, 1.0)
		show_dhudmessage(0, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "TALRASHA_TVIRUS");

		PlaySound(0, MESSAGE_SOUND)
	if(g_iSeconds == 1)
		PlaySound(0, MESSAGE_SOUND)
	if(g_iSeconds == 0)
		set_dhudmessage(0, 255, 0, -1.0, 0.6, 0, 6.0, 0.001, 0.1, 1.0)
		show_dhudmessage(0, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "TALRASHA_INFECTION_START");

		PlaySound(0, MESSAGE_SOUND)
	if (g_iSeconds < 0)

PlaySound(id, const sound[])
	client_cmd(id, "spk ^"%s^"", sound)

public TaskThunderClapModeStart(iTaskID)
	if (g_iSeconds)
		new iRandom;
		if (g_iSeconds % 2 != 0)
			iRandom = random_num(0, g_iSizeLightsThunderClap1);
			engfunc(EngFunc_LightStyle, 0, g_szLightsThunderClap1[iRandom])
			iRandom = random_num(0, g_iSizeLightsThunderClap2);
			engfunc(EngFunc_LightStyle, 0, g_szLightsThunderClap2[iRandom])
		if (!g_szLighting[0])
		engfunc(EngFunc_LightStyle, 0, g_szLighting)
		set_pcvar_string(g_pCvarLighting, g_szLighting)
		g_szLighting = "";

public event_infect(id, attacker)
	if (is_user_zombie(id))
		random_num(0, g_iSizeSoundsModeStart);
		client_cmd(0, "%s ^"%s^"", !IsMp3(g_szSoundsModeStart[random_num(0,2)]) ? "spk" : "mp3 play", g_szSoundsModeStart[random_num(0,2)])

public event_gamestart(id)
	new iRandom;
	else if (!get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarEffects))
		if (g_szLighting[0])
			engfunc(EngFunc_LightStyle, 0, g_szLighting)
			set_pcvar_string(g_pCvarLighting, g_szLighting);
			g_szLighting = "f";

	for(new i = 0; i <= get_maxplayers(); i++)
			message_begin(MSG_ONE, get_user_msgid("ScreenFade"), _, i)
			write_short((1<<12)) // duration
			write_short(0) // hold time
			write_short(0x0000) // fade type
			write_byte(0) // red
			write_byte(0) // green
			write_byte(50) // blue
			write_byte(255) // alpha

			message_begin(MSG_BROADCAST, get_user_msgid("ScreenShake"))
			write_short((1<<12)*6) // amplitude
			write_short((1<<12)*2) // duration
			write_short((1<<12)*22) // frequency
	iRandom = random_num(0, g_iSizeSoundsThunderModeStart);
	client_cmd(0, "%s ^"%s^"", !IsMp3(g_szSoundsThunderModeStart[iRandom]) ? "spk" : "mp3 play", g_szSoundsThunderModeStart[iRandom])
	g_iSeconds = 15;
	set_task(0.1, "TaskThunderClapModeStart", g_iTaskLightningID, _, _, "b")

stock MsgScreenFade(id)
	static msg_screenfade; if(!msg_screenfade) msg_screenfade = get_user_msgid("ScreenFade");
	message_begin(MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, msg_screenfade, {0,0,0}, id);

stock MsgScreenFade_2(id)
	static msg_screenfade; if(!msg_screenfade) msg_screenfade = get_user_msgid("ScreenFade");
	message_begin(MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, msg_screenfade, {0,0,0}, id);

Zombie.Plague GeriSayim Eklentisi

Gönderilme zamanı: Pzr Eyl 17, 2017 6:28 pm
gönderen ahmetsencanx2
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Zombie.Plague GeriSayim Eklentisi

Gönderilme zamanı: Cmt Haz 23, 2018 1:26 am
gönderen zapotto.47
denedim olmadı kardeş